Come join us on the Spiritual Fit Portal for a few weeks of reseting, relaxing and moving into the New Year with E A S E.

Ease is a state of mind. It’s a felt experience in the body. It’s the place we feel most present, calm, creative and intuitive.

Ease is what happens when we trust. And when we trust, our body relaxes and when our body relaxes we expand. And because your physical body houses your energy body, mental and emotional bodies, intuitive body and soul (read up on the Five Bodies according to yoga here) and because you are a microcosm of the macrocosm, the world around you feels more expansive, unlimited, less constricted, contracted and frightening.

When you relax, the world around you relaxes.

Did you know that, if you go by cycles of the moon and stars, sometime late January (the date changes each year) is actually the New Year. It was a Pope Gregory that changed it to January 1 and hence the Gregorian Calendar that most of the West now follows. So if you’re feeling a little behind, a little jagged after Christmas, a little shell shocked – don’t stress.

This is an invitation to go counter culture (rebellious, I know!) and use January as a time to rest, to chill, to reset your nervous system.

This is an invitation to cultivate E A S E with me, with others, with the Spiritually Fit community. And because you are a microcosm of the macrocosm, your energy will only always affect those around you. It’s science. Your body, whether you know it or not, is in contact communication with bodies around you. That’s why women who live together, girls at boarding school and so on synch their cycles without trying. Science is cool. You are cool.

“But what if I like setting goals? What if I like having intentions for the new year?” some of you might ask…

GREAT. Me too. But how about taking the next few weeks with me to rest back into the feminine space of ease – that place where we are more receptive, more intuitive, more trusting of the divine inspiration and guidance we receive from here. And then…come Jan 29 with more clarity, more connection and more creativity we move into the masculine energy of ‘go do it’.

Sound interesting? Curious?

Join me on our Spiritually Fit Portal where I’ll be providing suggestions, contemplations and practices for you to cultivate ease. And as we lead into the end of the month I’ll provide journal prompts and live events where we get clear on how we can best be of service to the world this year.

All you have to do right now is join The Portal for free and wait for the prompts and suggestions.

Big love,
KK x